Thursday, December 22, 2011


The word "Faith" had just came into my life unexpectedly. The definition of the word has many meanings behind, but the one that I had came across and is relatively useful in self healings would be something as such: "  Faith is defined as strong or unshakeable belief in something, esp without proof or evidence".

This sounds like a strong statement as could potentially be quite acceptable for most of the people. It could simply be like for example, someone could say "I always pray and pray to God, but when I'm in trouble with something, why doesn't he help me out? Why does he even want to position this piece of trouble for me?" This is a simple example, and yet I believe it does sound familiar to many people, including myself.

Well, from what I had learn, God has already pre-defined what and how should our life be in this world. By putting us through various hardships and challenges, it's just a way to let us experience it. So the question is why is that so and why can't we have a better life than what we are having now?

The answer to  the above is we are here presently to decide how we should spend our present life. One key element to so called "better quality of life" is to have faith in yourself. Believe in yourself that you can overcome obstacles. Believe in yourself that you can make it at some point in your life, one day. Believe that whatever comes before you, you can always handle with a calm mind and a pair of sturdy hands.

It's almost like what I had mention in my previous post "Let Go and Let God". If you can't see the light in front, just believe in the universe and the positive energies around you. With enough practice and experience, one day you may find that even the "problem" could appear 1 inch before your eyes, you can cut through it and sail it out forward. Flow with it with faith , trust and loving kindness.

There are two ways we can achieve that:
1)  Do positive affirmations daily
2)  Call out Guardian Angels or Archangels for assistance whenever you feel you need it.

Additional Important points:
a) Do not have ANY expectations from the outcome. Don't try to design or dictate the outcome and tell Angels how to achieve your goals.

b) Don't impose any timeline or datelines. All things will work out naturally by itself. The right opportunity will arrive at its own suitable time.

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