Sunday, December 4, 2011


Angel Therapy - That was a subject which drive me into great interest. It's always the first question that pops up in my mind, which anyone else shall is " What exactly is Angel Therapy, and what does it do?"

From the research that I have done, this is considered in my own word a piece of "ART".  This ART teaches us of a way to communicate to the energies that is present in all of us. Angels are "beings" that exist in this Universe and they are the messengers of God.

Angels exist only to help us and each of us always have some guardian angels since birth. However, the Angels only came to our aid when we call for their assistance. We need to allow our free will to call upon the Angels and from there, they can then enter into our dimensions and assist us.

There was always a mis-conception that Angels are religious and only "belongs" to Christianity or Catholic. Many people in Asia are skeptical about this knowledge and refuse to learn anything about this ART. However, this is so ,so wrong. The books and many resources had confirmed that Angels DO NOT BELONG to anyone or any religion specifically. They are here to help us all beings and they work like 24 by 7 round the clock , and any place or location.

How to call upon  the Angels - Simple, just call out loud in your mind, or say it out " Archangel xxx for 3 times. Please help me to resolve this difficult situation that I am in and may I bring peace, love and harmony to anyone involved in this situation. Thank you Archangel xxx "

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